How the Revelation Came to Be


After many years of purchasing proper fitting bras from Europe via the internet, Revelation in Fit shop owner Robynne Winchester decided it was time to open a shop offering proper fittings, bra size education, and a larger range of sizes in the United States. She had long been frustrated with the lack of shops that carry a full size range in the US. She was a corset-maker for seven years and while measuring and fitting many people, found that she was far from the only one who had trouble finding a bra that fits. In 2013, she took a women's business course in Oakland, CA and then launched a fundraising campaign and secured business loans to open Revelation in Fit. She opened the first Revelation in Fit in Oakland in 2014. In 2017, Revelation in Fit expanded to San Francisco, inside Dark Garden. Opening these two locations gave more people access to the fit they deserve. Because everyone deserves a bra that fits!


Robynne Winchester, Founder and CEO

Robynne Winchester, Founder and CEO